Construction Log
On This Page
- Changed theme to MemE.
- customized favicon from flaticon.
- 从长毛象复制了长篇论文导读和科普。
- 添加了个人简介在首页顶端。
- Changed theme color and banner gradient colors.
- 修改了字体,在
- navigation button links not working.
- slow loading of pictures e.g avatar.
- no mastodon icon in theme css.
- 透明背景图片 not showing properly in dark mode. -> force white background?
- Didn’t consider 窄屏 in customized css.
- wordcount only counting english words. ???
to do
pagination change icons. - pagination to show current page.
- add ToC in post frontmatter options.
- only show about me section in the first page.
- finished some to-dos in previous update.
- Changed site language to English for search.
- search page is now working properly.
- added home about section animation from tutorial. svg files from svg repo.
does not support 中文!- image loading not always successful. -> need a real picture hosting.
- animation messed up footer icons and header search bar. how??
to do
- install comment Sections
- festive animation
- try LaTex input.
- check out vercel
- fixed navigation bar hyperlink. Internal page url is called ‘url’ !!! 模板里写的是internalref之类的,实际上并不是,页面链接就是url
- The same thing happens for aboutme page. To set absolute url for posts just add
url = ""
in the frontmatter!
- 写了friendlink shortcode, 现在可以添加blogroll, 但是还有一点css上的问题,换成黑夜模式特别丑
- 把文章按照最近修改时间排序
Hugo document on creating shortcode. 我用了最简单的named parameters, 在md文档中直接调用就好了。